In the hustle and bustle of modern life, many of us find ourselves chained to our desks for hours on end, hunched over computers and glued to our phones. The toll this takes on our bodies is undeniable – from rounded shoulders to chronically flexed hips, the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle can be felt from head to toe. But fear not, because there’s a solution that not only addresses these issues but also provides a refreshing escape into nature: stand-up paddle boarding (SUP).

The Desk Dilemma: Unraveling the Physical Consequences

Sitting for extended periods wreaks havoc on our posture and muscles. The familiar sight of a forward-poking head, rounded shoulders, and a flexed upper spine is all too common. This sedentary lifestyle can result in weakness in crucial muscle groups, including the deep neck flexors, neck extensors, posterior shoulder muscles, mid-back muscles, glutes, hamstrings, calves, and core muscles.

Enter SUP: A Full-Body Reset

If you’re looking to break free from the desk-bound monotony, SUP might just be the answer. Specifically, engaging in cardio or long-distance paddle boarding on a serene lake or river for 45 minutes to 2 hours can usher in a myriad of physical benefits.


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1. Epic Core Exercise.

Each paddle stroke activates and strengthens the contralateral external oblique and ipsilateral internal oblique, providing an unparalleled core workout that goes beyond traditional exercises.

2. Pulling Power

Paddling engages the ipsilateral pulling muscles, including the posterior shoulder, rhomboids, lats, and rotator cuff, helping to counteract the effects of hours spent slouched over a keyboard.

3. Posterior Chain Strength/Endurance

The act of paddling fortifies the ipsilateral posterior chain, involving the glutes, hamstrings, and calves. This not only contributes to overall strength/endurance but also helps maintain an upright posture on the board.

4. Neck Exercise

Surprisingly, each paddle stroke becomes a neck exercise, strengthening both the neck extensors and deep neck flexors, especially if you maintain a neutral head position or a slight chin tuck. This counters the forward head position often adopted during desk work.

5. Balance and Stability Challenge

SUP is a fantastic full-body workout that challenges your balance and stability, working everything from your feet and ankles to your knees, hips, and spine. It’s not just about physical fitness; it’s an investment in maintaining stability as you age.

6. Nature Appreciation

Disconnecting from the digital world, leaving your phone behind, and immersing yourself in the natural surroundings during a SUP session can foster a deep appreciation for nature. The tranquility and focus required during paddling can bring about a sense of calm and wonder, akin to the benefits of meditation.

In conclusion, stand-up paddle boarding is more than just a recreational activity; it’s a holistic workout that addresses the physical toll of desk-bound routines while providing a mental escape into nature. So, the next time you feel the weight of your desk job settling into your muscles, grab a paddle, hit the water, and let SUP redefine your strength and conditioning routine. Your body and mind will thank you for it.

For a head to toes, full-body strength and conditioning program which can be tailored to your specific needs, please head to my online coaching platform here