Don’t just do any exercise during a pandemic; be specific to your needs and goals. While being fit won’t prevent you from catching the virus (I know from experience as I am currently coming out of my 7-day isolation), it does have many other protective effects. Physical activity releases endorphins, chemicals in your brain that revitalize your mind and body, and it can help improve all aspects of your health. Exercise can ease depression, stress, and anxiety, and aid in managing chronic conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes. By finding new ways to get moving and stay motivated, you can take charge of your mood and well-being, retain a sense of control during these days of great uncertainty, and stay on track with your exercise goals even when your normal routine is disrupted.

In addition to the general benefits of exercise on our body and mind, there are specific benefits to the way your joints move, your posture, your experience of body aches and pains, and your sports performance. These benefits of exercise become more specific when the optimal exercise type, intensity, frequency, and technical execution all align to complement the client’s needs and goals.

There are a lot of online classes and fitness programs out there that can actually do more harm than good. Are they making your body feel better? Are you moving better? Are you replacing one body ache with another? Do you feel like you are just going through the motions and pushing yourself too hard? Do you walk away feeling more aligned and energized, or do you leave class feeling sore, tight, and drained?

As we all strive to move better, maintain healthy joints, and strengthen our posterior chains, here’s a free workout for you. This video focuses on teaching perfect hip hinging techniques using a broomstick (or dowel rod) to ensure safe movement. If you find these tips helpful, please leave a comment under the video—I would love to hear from you.

Coach Mish.

In addition to boosting your mood and improving sleep, exercise can also strengthen your immune system, but don’t overdo it. While moderate physical activity supports immune function, too much intense activity—especially if you are not used to it—may have the opposite effect and suppress your immune system. Too much exercise too soon after being infected will also suppress your immune system and slow your recovery, so take it easy and ensure your symptoms have cleared before lightly returning to exercise.