Deep Squats: Good or Bad for the Knees
Let's tackle the debate on squat depth. While some advocate for "ass to grass," others caution against going below parallel. There's no universal rule; it's about finding what works best for you. The Science In a comprehensive review of the available research of the...
Caveman Training Workout: Primal Strength in The Modern World
In the realm of fitness and health, the Paleo diet has emerged as a prevailing trend, advocating for a return to wholesome, non-processed foods reminiscent of our ancient ancestors' dietary habits. But beyond nutrition, the concept of Paleo extends to exercise, urging...
Shoulder Problems in Sport and Exercise Part 2
In Part One we covered that the shoulder is an unstable joint to allow for all the mobility we need, common reasons to develop funked up shoulders and exercises that can lead to trauma or injury. In part two we’re looking at ways to rehab a compromised shoulder with...
MMA Strength and Conditioning
Along with a plethora of technical skill and psychological prowess, MMA fighters are expected to possess a high level of general physical preparedness (GPP). Surprisingly, some fighters still prioritize technique classes, while their conditioning regimen consists of...
Shoulder Problems in Sport and Exercise
Lifting, throwing, punching, wrestling, pulling, paddling, swimming and pressing with troubled shoulders is a common problem these days. There’s too many causes to list here, but to throw out a few examples we’ve got most people walking around with hunched upper...
Strong Surfing: Creating Beasts of The Ocean with Surf Strength & Conditioning
Surfers in the past generally have not focused on specific strength and conditioning for their sport, with the misperceived idea that strength training will add unnecessary bulk and muscle tightness while restricting their movement and fluidity in the water. Do Not...
Novelty Glute Training
There's a prevalent issue of quad-dominance among many individuals. With prolonged periods of sitting and sedentary lifestyles, most people lack proper movement patterns and tend to be quad-dominant. Moreover, back pain often contributes to weakness in the glutes, and...
Suspension Strap Training
Suspension straps offer numerous advantages; however, I've also encountered limitations for TRX/Suspension strap users. Consequently, I haven't fully embraced them like many in the fitness industry, who claim them to be all you need for a complete workout. Advantages...
Hellbent Hamstrings – Nordic Curls, Harrop Curls, Deadlifts, Pull-Throughs and More
When it comes to building strength and stability in the lower body, the focus often tends to be on the quads, glutes, and calves. However, one muscle group that is often overlooked but plays a crucial role in overall lower body function is the hamstrings. These...