In this article, we delve into the various factors influencing back problems encountered in sports, exercise, and daily activities. From exploring common causes and symptoms to discussing effective management strategies, we aim to provide valuable insights for individuals dealing with back pain. Whether you’re an athlete, fitness enthusiast, or someone seeking to alleviate discomfort, this article offers practical tips for prevention and rehabilitation, helping you optimize your spinal health and enhance your overall well-being.

“It is estimated that 70-90% of people suffer from back problems at some point in their lives.” – Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2007-08.

“Up to 80% of Australians experience back pain and 10% have significant disability as a result.” – The Medical Journal of Australia, 2009.

“Back pain is the single leading cause of disability worldwide.” – Global Burden of Disease, 2010.

“Back pain is one of the most common medical problems, affecting 8 out of 10 people at some point during their lives.” – National Institute of Health, 2012.

Lower Back Pain – A Modern Day Phenomena?

Modern humans are seemingly faltering in this aspect. I attempted to find statistics on human back pain prior to the agricultural revolution, but regrettably, my search yielded no results. However, I envision a scenario akin to the diagram I’ve sketched at the top of this page. Thoughts?

Here’s a provocative idea: If humans evolved from apes, perhaps our spines aren’t designed for prolonged upright posture. Most animals, like monkeys, meerkats, and bears, are quadrupeds, favoring flexed-over backs. Even those capable of bipedal movement rarely maintain an upright stance for extended periods. Perhaps if meerkats were to adopt a human-like sedentary lifestyle, they might also encounter issues like slipped discs.

Sitting for long periods of time does not seem to agree with our biomechanics. Shear and compressive forces acting through the spine over time in a seated position, in addition to the lack of mobility we gain over the years from sedentary living, create weak links in our spine. If we already start with weak links, poor posture and an unconditioned body and then lift a heavy weight, receive an impact or aim to produce power in sport (think of throwing an opponent in mixed martial arts) with our back in a compromised position, we can meet some tough times. The intervertebral discs lack blood vessels. The only way they can absorb nutrients is through spinal movement. If you want to deprive your discs of nourishment, lie down and sit around a lot.

A “functional” way to train includes the development of submaximal strength with the back in various degrees of flexion, extension, lateral flexion and rotation. This is very important for sport since the environment is generally not controllable (impacts, opponents). However, it is key to learn how to lift properly first. Lifting with good form entails maintaining a neutral spine during heavy to maximum effort lifts and aligning the joints in their most biomechanically efficient positions.

“Good” Posture

Good posture is dynamic and adaptable, capable of changing frequently to meet the body’s needs. It’s not about rigidly maintaining a specific position but rather about having the flexibility and mobility to adjust as required. A posture is only deemed “bad” when it becomes habitual or restrictive, hindering movement and leading to discomfort or injury over time. Optimal joint positions for efficient movement and force production vary based on the activity and individual anatomy. Therefore, good posture encompasses a range of positions that allow for ease of movement and minimize strain on the body.

Manage Tight Muscles

Specifically related to lower back issues, check whether these muscles are overtight and in need of soft tissue work and stretching:

  • Iliopsoas: aggravated by prolonged sitting, leg raises, sit-ups, kicking, kneeing, surfing pop-ups, and stair climbing.
  • Paraspinals: aggravated by sudden spinal overload, repetitive movement with poor technique, hunched posture, tight abdominal muscles, and prolonged sitting.
  • Rectus Abdominis: aggravated by excessive crunches, especially without balanced lower back, glutes, and hamstring training, and over-exercising.
  • Glutes: aggravated by prolonged sitting, sleeping in the fetal position with knees pulled up, sitting on your wallet, and standing for long periods on one leg.
  • Piriformis: aggravated by distance running, prolonged tension such as driving a car, sitting with one foot underneath you, walking with toes out, and excessive sitting.
  • Quadratus Lumborum: exacerbated by structural imbalances like one leg longer, uneven pelvis, habitual leaning to one side, slouching, always sleeping on one side, and rotating the torso more to one side in sports.
  • Hamstrings: aggravated by prolonged sitting, bed rest, sprint overtraining, and weak glutes.

Lower Back Strength & Conditioning

1. Sumo Deadlift

The Sumo Deadlift is a crucial exercise for anyone aiming to strengthen their legs, glutes, and back. It’s particularly effective for targeting the glutes and hamstrings, rather than placing excessive strain on the lower back. Sumo Deadlifts offer a mechanical advantage for heavy lifting due to this emphasis on the posterior chain.

2. Box Squat

Box squats are great because you cannot overshoot on depth and they allow you to sit back into your hips more than a usual squat without falling on your ass. Keep your legs very wide, spread your knees out as much as your feet, and fold at your hip to sit back toward the box or bench. Sit back to a point at shin vertical or beyond shin vertical (knees go behind the ankles) which engages the glutes and hamstrings far more than a usual squat since it takes loading off the quads.  Contact the bench for about a second and then jump/leg curl your way up again. Perform this explosively. I like to keep the neck in a neutral position, with my chin tucked in, lengthening the back of my neck and therefore reducing the chance of tensing up my muscles at the back of my head.

3. Good Mornings

With this exercise, your aim is to keep your spine in a neutral position, core braced, and bend at your hips to sit back without changing the position of your spine (this means not dropping your chest or rounding out your lower back).

4. Band Goodmornings (High Repetitions)

Place a small power band over your shoulders and under your feet so that you have created a rectangle around your body with the band. Bend over with a rounded spine and extend to an upright position with an arched back. These can be done relatively fast with high reps (start with 30reps and work up). Band Goodmornings are great for strength endurance, strengthening spinal ligaments and working your back in a rounded position, which is bound to happen in sport and daily life. Do some with an element of rotation also, reaching your chest to your opposite knee on the eccentric action.

5. Single Leg Romanian Deadlift (Drinking Bird Exercise)

Stand on one leg and hold either dumbbells in each hand, a dumbbell in the opposite hand, or a barbell with weight. Sit the hips back with the knee just slightly bent throughout the movement. Aim to keep your spine in a neutral position from start to end, bracing the core and glutes to maintain the spine’s integrity.

6. Single Leg Deadlift

Same technique as above but start with a loaded bar from the floor (or an unloaded bar from blocks).

7. Pull Throughs – Straight Legs

Having bent legs will target the glutes more, having straight legs will target the lower back more. Face away from the cable machine (or band attached to something secure) with the cable (or band) held between your legs. Bend over so that your back rounds, then straighten your back so that you have a neutral spine and full hip extension.

8. Middle & Lower Trapezius Strengthening

An upper back strengthening exercise to benefit desk workers, shoulder or back pain sufferers, athletes and everyone in between. The middle and lower trapezius muscles are typically underused and weak in the majority of clients I see today. Strong upper back muscles improve posture which improves body function, sports performance and reduces strain on the spine and joints. Sitting on a bench, keep your back straight and lean forward from your hips. Keep your chest lifted as your reach your arms forward with your palms turned up and circle around to the back of your hips. Reverse this motion to return to the start position and repeat.

 That’s a start for someone with a relatively healthy back, plays sport at any level and does not have any spinal pathologies. Before you start with specific back strengthening exercises, ensure your glutes, hamstrings and core are strong enough to protect your lower back. Seeking the guidance of an exercise professional is always a good idea.

In conclusion, understanding the intricacies of back problems in sport, exercise, and daily life is crucial for maintaining optimal health and performance. By recognizing the impact of modern lifestyles on our ancient biochemistry and acknowledging the importance of posture, movement mechanics, and muscle balance, individuals can take proactive steps to prevent and address back issues. Implementing targeted exercises, proper lifting techniques, and lifestyle modifications can significantly reduce the risk of back pain and injury, allowing individuals to enjoy a life of movement and vitality. With a comprehensive approach that encompasses both physical and mental well-being, individuals can optimize their back health and enhance their overall quality of life.

Final Note: Keep Moving

Mobility training helps improve your joint health, body control and strength through end-ranges of motion. Resistance training helps build strength and endurance (higher reps) and will help activate weak or inhibited areas.

Before you randomly start lifting, running, twisting and jumping:

  1. Do necessary corrective exercises
  2. Groove appropriate movement patterns
  3. Build full body joint mobility/stability
  4. Increase core endurance
  5. Build full body strength
  6. Develop speed, power, and agility

Always seek out professional exercise instruction before attempting any of the exercises above.