Michelle Drielsma
AES, AEP, ASCA2, FMA2, FMA, Kinstretch, CHEK Coach, HLC2
Michelle Drielsma is an Accredited Exercise Scientist (ESSA), Accredited Exercise Physiologist (ESSA), Level 2 Strength & Conditioning Coach (ASCA) and published author from the Northern Beaches of Sydney. Michelle is a graduate of Sydney University with a Bachelor in Exercise & Sports Science. Michelle’s career highlights include sports performance work with WSL CT and QS surfers, Australian Rugby Union, Australian Defence Force, Basketball NSW, China’s Olympic Swimming Team, Mixed Martial Arts athletes and an Olympic Snowboarder. Michelle has also studied with the CHEK Institute, FMA Strength Tranining and Functional Anatomy Seminars (FRC, Kinstretch).
Michelle has an extensive history of writing for several health and fitness publications including The Sydney Morning Herald, Women’s Health, Men’s Fitness, The Inertia, Exercise & Sports Science Australia, Nine MSN, GQ Magazine, Fitness First, Ultra-FIT Magazine, Oxygen Magazine, Surfer Today, Girl Surf Network, Australian MMA and three children’s books (Lesson Zone). Michelle published her first book “Fluid Surfer – The Surfer’s Bible to Endless Performance & Injury Prevention“ in 2016.
Michelle’s approach combines exercise physiology and science with traditional strength training, natural full-range movement, calisthenics and mind-body integration.